Josh & Julia // Palisade, Colorado Wedding
Josh is one of my husband’s closest friends. They worked together in Moab, UT and clicked over their love for motorcycles, electric guitars, and super nachos. They both have dealt with severe back issues, and I’m glad they’ve had each other, because they both know what it’s really like to have chronic pain.
I remember several years ago we went on a double date in Moab on motorcycles to get Mexican food. I liked Julia immediately. She was sweet, funny, and very smart. Over the years we have stayed in touch and visited each other since we’ve all moved from Moab.
Over the last few years, Julia has survived a brain tumor. We are so glad she is still here and she is a fighter.
When they got engaged, they asked Clay to officiate and if our daughter would be the flower girl. I offered to film for their wedding gift. The wedding was beautiful, and we loved Palisade. I think my husband did a pretty great job as officiant too. We love you Josh and Julia!
Full film above, preview below.
Photo by Amanda Matilda Photography
Photo of the cutest flower girl by Amanda Matilda Photography