Baby Hudson Z.
On October 8th, I received a text from Karlie at 7:35 am that said: "Hey Leslie! I know this is last minute, but I wanted to see what you were doing around 8. I just had our little baby! They haven't weighed him yet or anything, he's just been sleeping on my chest since he arrived. Do you think you can come?"
I jumped in my car as quickly as I could and drove the full 1.5 minutes to Moab Regional Hospital. Hudson was born at 4:27 am, less than 4 hours before I got there.
As I walked into their room, Karlie was still laying in the bed with little Hudson on her chest. The nurses hadn't weighed or measured Hudson, nor had Karlie really even moved. It was such a beautiful sight, I started crying and then was a little embarrassed.
For her first baby, Karlie's labor was fast. No time for an epidural, and the nurses and doctor said she was a warrior.
I spent two hours with Karlie, Jake, and Hudson and was able to capture some of their first moments together. Karlie and Jake were up most of the night, so of course they were tired but more so, they were radiating joy and excitement. I captured Jake holding Hudson for his very first time so Karlie could eat her well earned French toast. I captured one of his first sleepy newborn smiles. I also happened to be filming as Hudson opened his eyes for one of the first times. Jake guessed Hudson would be 7 lbs 7 oz, 21 inches, and when the nurse came in and weighed him Jake was 100% correct. Dad's intuition.
I loved this project. I treasure my memories in the hospital with my newborn babies. I have three children, and each time, I remember my heart absolutely bursting with joy and love. Love for my baby; love for my husband. And truthfully, joy that labor was over and that we were both ok, and that I could eat a giant meal.
I am grateful that I able to be with this family at this intimate, incredible time, and I am grateful for the safe arrival of little Hudson.